GP Extended Hours
West Northumberland PCN Hubs
West Northumberland PCN Hubs operate at various sites weekday evenings and Saturdays, The Hub also offers appointments on bank holidays for booking up to 2 days prior so patients can book when surgeries are closed.
The Hubs can be used for regular appointments; this service is not for urgent care needs.
The Hubs offer pre-bookable, routine GP, Nurse and Health Care Assistant sessions.
If you require more information or to book an appointment, please contact us on 01434 320077. You can also book direct into these clinics by clicking on the link below and picking which site you wish to attend.
The Hub offers online booking for GP face to face appointments, GP telephone and Practice Nurse appointments. At the moment patients cannot book online with HCAs, Please contact the practice to arrange these.
The link for the Health hero bookings is