West Northumberland PCN
PCN (Primary Care Network)
Paramedic, Pharmacist, Physio, Living Well Co-Ordinator, and Mental Health Practitioner
Haltwhistle Medical Group are part of the West Northumberland Primary Care Network (PCN), the PCN’s form a key building block of the NHS long-term plan. PCN’s aim to deliver improved levels of care for patients by connecting the primary healthcare team across the area with local community service providers. This allows a new more streamlined, multi-disciplined personalised and co-ordinated approach the patient care.
We are fortunate to be working with Community Paramedics, Living Well Co-ordinator, Community Pharmacists and Community Mental Health Practitioners and we will soon have a first contact Physiotherapist. All appointments for the Primary Care Network Community Team are booked through your clinician or a member of staff at the surgery, if you would like more information about the services, please contact us and a member of the team will be able to explain in more detail about the services and support offered by the PCN additional roles.
PCN appointment hubs operate at various sites weekday evenings and Saturdays.
The Hubs offer pre-bookable, routine GP, Nurse and Health Care Assistant sessions if you require more information or to book an appointment, please visit our appointments page. This service is not for urgent care needs.

Early Help and Family Hubs
Early help and Family Hubs in West Northumberland offer a vast range of services for families with children aged 0-19.
Offering access to support from professionals such as midwives, health visitors, early years and mental health professionals, youth workers and a host of other services brought together into a vibrant one-stop-shop both in the hub buildings, community outreach venues and virtual opportunities that will meet the needs of families with children and young people of all ages.
For more information visit: https://westchildrenscentres.org.uk/
Facebook @HaltwhistleFamilyHub
To register: https://form.northumberland.gov.uk/form/auto/childrens_centres_reg